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babies osteopathy toulouse english home consultations
osteopath toulouse english, babies and adults

Perinatal and prematurity specialist


musculoskeletal, cranial and visceral osteopathy. 

Adults, children & babies.


My career 


Osteopath D.O graduated from Institut Supérieur d'Ostéopathie in Aix en Provence. 

Worked as Osteopath for 3 years, in premature babies unit at hôpital nord de Marseille 


Osteopath in a clinic in UK for 7 years where I treated adults, children and babies.

Professional development 

University Degree Detection and management of vulnerable baby - Multidisciplinary (2018/2019) P'titMip and RPO. Toulouse Purpan Hospital.

Development problem screening and therapeutic project implementation.

In house The Chandos Clinic (2015/2016)

Osteo-articular Techniques ATStill and muscle release technique.

IOS Bristol : Paediatrics osteopathy advanced level  (2015)

Neuro anatomy, osteopathic techniques and treatment. 

IOS Bristol : Paediatrics osteopathy level 3 (2014)

Osteopathic treatment and development of the child aged 3 up to teen age.

IOS Bristol : Paediatrics osteopathy level 2 (2013)

The growth and development of the pre-school child.  Osteopathic treatment.

First aid (2011 et 2016)


Soft tissue et fascials Techniques 


Soft functional or osteo-articular Techniques 

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Sacro-cranial techniques 


Soft cranial and fascial Techniques  


Do you crack joints ? Hardly never, techniques I use are most of the time pain free.  In some cases I will crack using a gentle technique.

What to wear during session ? Make sure to wear confortable clothes.

Plinth ? I come to you with my osteopathic plinth.

How long last a session ?  usually 45 mn. 

Type of payment ? check or cash only.

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